Monday, April 22, 2013

Adventures, Part 1.

Hebrews 13:15 "Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise - the fruit of lips that confess His name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." 

Well, needless to say the three weeks after Spring Break were, to put it delicately, insane. Not only were we preparing to move, living among floor-to-ceiling boxes, adjusting to their presence so well that I feel a slight emptiness now that they are all gone, I was also preparing for my last few weeks of work. Throw travels every weekend in the mix, along with two 4-day weeks back to back and an accreditation team scoping out our school and it was...crazy. In all the busyness I neglected this little blog like I neglected doing dishes and making home-cooked meals...

But now that I have some time on my hands I want to show what we had been up to the last couple weeks of school. We were knee-deep in an awesome space unit in Science. The kids had a blast and were soaking up information and facts like nobody's business. Here's a look at some of the space adventures we embarked upon...

We learned all about the moon and made these fun moon facts. The kids used liquid glue to make designs on a gray construction paper moon (they were making craters and mountains like we learned about). After the glue dried they colored over their moons with white and gray crayons. The resulting texture was so cool and each moon was so different! Then they wrote a paragraph with at least 5 moon facts they learned.

We also wrote fiction stories about an adventure in outer space. This was an awesome opportunity for the kids to be creative while applying everything they had learned about complete and descriptive sentences in Grammar. Then we made what has to be my most favorite thing ever....little astronauts with plastic Starbucks lids as helmets! We found a clip art astronaut body on line. Then I took a close-up pic of each kid making an excited face (the first kid opened his mouth as wide as it could go...and each successive pic featured the same look haha). They decorated their astronaut suit then glued their face in the helmet. Our first grade aide hot glued the clear plastic lid on for the final touch. The kids absolutely loved seeing their funny faces beneath a 3-D astronaut helmet. And Starbucks gave us all the lids for free!

After learning all about the sun, we made these little sun craftivities to hang above their cubbies in the hallway. It was pretty simple and they had a lot of fun making them! The kids wrote one fact about the sun on each of their triangular rays, glued them to a paper plate, and covered the plate with squares of red, yellow, and orange tissue paper. 

We also made these cute, quick stars to hang in our classroom. The kids wrote how they could be a "shining star" to others and decorated a little star with glue and glitter. Oh glitter, how I love thee and abhor thee at the same time. You lend such fun to any activity, and yet I find you all over every surface within a 6 foot radius for a month.

Click on the link below for the template:

On my very last day of school we learned all about space food that astronauts eat on missions into outer space. I prepared a power point with all kinds of info from NASA's website, including pics of food floating in mid-air, that we read through together. Then each kid transformed into an astronaut ready to sample "space" food. I had prepared three baggies per kid - each with a couple tablespoons of mysterious powder (in actuality it was pink lemonade mix, chocolate pudding mix, and instant oatmeal). They also received Dixie  cups of water to rehydrate their dehydrated space food. On a chart the students had to record the state of matter of each substance in the beginning, their observation, what happened when they added water, and the state of matter of the substance in the end. Then came the best part...eating it! Not many kids ate the oatmeal which I looked pretty gross all mushed up in a baggie. The pudding and lemonade, though, were huge hits! 

Click on the link below to download the chart!

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