Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fast and Cheap (food and crafts, that is).

1 Peter 5:23 "Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers - not because you must but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock." What a good attitude and mindset to bring to whatever job, duty, or obligation we have on a day to day basis. I love the part "not because you must but because you are willing". It can be easy to go about each day as the same old same old but God is calling each of us to have a spirit that is eager to serve and a determination to be examples to His flock. No matter what field you might be in, God is calling you to shine His light to everyone around you! Let us each step into the role of a shepherd, leading God's people in His glorious truth, just as the Holy Father sent us the most wonderful Shepherd there ever was.

I was perusing Pinterest (ok, let's admit can't just peruse Pinterest. You dedicate like an hour and a half to scrolling through brilliant idea after brilliant idea while telling yourself that you are just going to look for a minute or two) and I found this new crockpot recipe. Not only crockpot, but a dish that I am usually drawn to at Chinese restaurants! I need to find a sweet and sour chicken recipe but have yet to stumble upon that treasure. This recipe seemed super simple and required very little cooking of my own. It was actually really good but I will warn have to like the taste of orange juice because the sauce is very orange-y. For my OJ-lovin husband, not a problem! The recipe said that you could add some cornstarch/water mix to the sauce to thicken it up because it is a pretty runny sauce but I was without cornstarch. Plus the sauce soaks into the rice so I thought it was good without. 

Crockpot Orange Chicken
From: Pinterest

2 large carrots, peeled and cut about 1/2-inch thick
2 red or green bell peppers, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
3 cloves garlic, finely minced
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-size pieces
2 tsp. ground ginger
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
8 ounces frozen orange juice concentrate
2 cans Mandarin orange segments
2 green onions, chopped
2 cups cooked rice (I used Uncle Ben's 90 second brown rice)

1. Put carrots, bell peppers, garlic in bottom of crockpot followed by chicken, ginger, salt, pepper, and frozen orange juice concentrate.
2. Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours.
3. Serve over hot rice and top with orange segments and green onions.
**Note: I bought mandarin oranges and then of course forgot to serve them with the meal. I added peanuts to give it some salt and crunch. I also added a teeny tiny amount of sriracha hot chili sauce to give it some spice. Heed my warning: do not test the spicy-ness by dipping your fork in the sauce and using it all in one bite. Ouch. Use a very small amount and mix it in the WHOLE dish.

 Another chicken dish popped up on our weekly menu this past week and I believe I have already posted this recipe. I wanted to add a notation, however, because the recipe calls for ham slices and Swiss cheese slices. The very first time I made this for my husband was back when we were dating and a fancy meal was extra parmesan on my packaged tortellini. It was the first "fancy" meal I made, although it really is pretty simple. It just sounds fancy-shmancy! But back then I went to the deli and got thin Black Forest ham slices and good Swiss cheese. Now, budget plus work equals no time for a deli counter! So I just used what I had on hand - lunch meat ham and provolone slices. Saved me a trip to the store and was just as good as the original recipe! Which you can click on the link below to find! I served ours with a side of zucchini, sauteed in a little butter and topped with salt, pepper, and parmesan cheese. Can't get any simpler or better than that!

Chicken Cordon Bleu
From: My grandma

Speaking of Pinterest and yummy things, I'm sure y'all have seen the green smoothies on many boards. Well, I am here to attest that they are absolutely stinkin delish!!! Although the color may put some off (I like it and call it my Grinch smoothie...and perhaps creep around my house like he did when he was stealing all of the little Who's stuff), it is SO good and SO good for you! I use ice, raspberry yogurt, a banana, a splash of milk, a splash of orange juice (to take out the leafy taste) and a big handful or two of fresh spinach leaves. Blend it all up and enjoy! It seriously only tastes like raspberry banana. I forced my anti-spinach husband to try a sip (I literally had to force the straw into his unwilling mouth) and he liked it! Of course, he followed it with "But the color...." To all my Whos down in Whoville - this smoothie is delish. Don't hate.

Yet again, speaking of Pinterest, my friend and I had a craft night the other night and I tried out an idea I found on the wonderful world of pins. And the best part was my whole craft was less than $10! I give you my.......(drum roll please).....weekly menu planner! On Pinterest it is shown as a place to hold your recipe while you cook but I get so many recipes from online that I just have my laptop in the kitchen. I started with a cookie sheet from the Dollar Tree and covered it with scrapbook paper from Hobby Lobby. NOTE: A girl my friend knew who made one used Modge Podge to adhere her paper to the pan. I've read on Pinterest to use contact paper but I don't think it's as cute or cheap. I didn't have Modge Podge so I just hot glued the paper around the edges. It worked just fine except now I am noticing that the paper is starting to bubble up because of course I didn't put glue in the center. That would make too much sense. But hey, it works right? I added a little ribbon between the two papers, using hot glue to secure it. Then came the fabulously cute stickers I found in the scrapbook aisle. The whole time I ventured down that whole different world I kept repeating like a crazy person, "I'm so glad I don't scrapbook, I'd spend so much money!" followed by "Look at this! Look at this! Look at those!" Finally we found a sheet of super cute bistro-themed stickers. I had to fight the urge to put all of the stickers on my pan. They're just so cute! Little wedge of cheese, wine glasses, little sayings like "Conserve water, drink wine." Amen sister. Next came the magnets. Decorative bottle caps and round magnets. Glue together. Done. Finally, I sprayed the whole thing with clear acrylic sealer and voila! I'm so pleased with how it turned out! And how fast and cheap it was. That could potentially be taken in a dirty way. Get your mind out of the gutter!

Of course I will take the time to write the days of the week so cute-sy...who wouldn't? Ha.

Quick kitten update....they are getting bigger and healthier each day! I snapped this pic the other morning. No aspect of this picture was posed or forced at all! I believe he is asking me, "So, how does that make you feel?" while resting on my Bible and daily devotional. I feel just great thank you Doctor.

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