Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas to All!

Philippians 2:8-10 "And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth." Praise the Lord that he sent a baby, in the most humble and modest form, to save generations of undeserving sinners to come! And he bestowed the most powerful name on his Son - a name that saves, a name that heals, and a name that commands respect, fear, love, and awe. Thank God from the bottom of my heart that You loved us so much that You gave us the most precious gift. Let every knee bow and give you honor and praise!

We are spending our first Christmas as a married couple with my family in beautiful, snow-covered Denver! There is just nothing like a white Christmas, which is very rare down in Texas. It will be a wonderful five day hiatus from work filled with eating, eating, and more eating. Peanut butter ball recipe coming your way! Speaking of cooking, I apologize for the lack of recipes this week. I only had three days of work and refused to do a large grocery run right before leaving on a trip. But God was looking out for us as always and two of my little kiddos gave me a Chick-fil-A gift card and a Subway gift card. Score! You are looking at Monday and Tuesday dinners. It is always better to give than to receive but I am not ashamed to say those gift cards were gladly received indeed!

This past Saturday we expanded our family two-fold and adopted to tiny shelter kittens from the Montgomery County animal shelter. Our prayers go out to those workers and volunteers as they had over 900 pets at the moment and were completely swamped! Angelo, our little orange tabby, is such a mess and absolutely hilarious! He was literally stalking me like a tiger from behind a corner, and yet is the sweetest cuddler ever...almost like a soft scarf just laying there. We are having issues with him wanting to constantly be on our kitchen table (luckily we don't really eat there...we eat on the *cough* couch *cough*...but for a slight germaphobe that is just unacceptable) and try to train him to get down by spraying him with water. The only problem is that he is the ONLY feline in the world who doesn't mind getting wet. In fact, he shakes it off and wants to play with the squirter. Mumford is our teeny tiny little black and white man who likes to perch everywhere. Legs, knees, James's back, you name it. He isn't as cuddly but has to near us constantly. Perching, of course. He will climb our legs to stand on our shoulders like a parrot if he feels slighly ignored. Are we forming bad habits here? We decided his middle name is Ghandi, not only for his meditative state, but also because he is extremely peaceful. Any time Angelo tackles, wrestles, or sits on him, Mum will put his tiny white paws up in the air as if in surrender. And yes, we have become that couple that talks about their cats like they were children. Don't judge. Cat get it!

I hope everyone has an absolutely blessed Christmas and you enjoy the time you spend with those around you. We are here in celebration by His grace alone. All glory, honor, power is Yours AMEN!

Merry Christmas!!!

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