Monday, September 12, 2011

The Tale of Two Bear Hunts

Psalm 25:4-5 "Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." When I read this I heard the plea and deep desire for God's teaching and guidance in his life. We serve the greatest teacher that has ever been and ever will be and as for me, I want to learn the most from HIM. I also love the last part of this psalm "my hope is in you all day long". Personally, I can find myself extremely far at the end of the day from where I began. I begin my mornings with a daily devotional and some time spent reading the Word with my cup (ok, that's actually plural) of coffee. I have found this to truly bring a sense of peace and readiness to my day. However, as the day progresses, it can be so easy to forget that peace and hope with which the day begin when faced with all of the demands of life (and of three-year-olds!). But it is my prayer that I secure my hope in the Lord all day long. After all, each minute of every day that we are blessed to breathe on this earth comes from Him!

We tried out the BEST recipe ever this weekend! I got it, yet again, from one of my fave blogs "Pearls, Handcuffs and Happy Hour". It was one of those where after the first bite I did my signature move when the food is really good - slap my knee, shake my head slowly, and not say anything than a combined "Mmm"/grunt. James finds it highly amusing the amount of satisfaction I get out of food ha! I also emailed the recipe to my mom dictating to her that she had to make it this week. That good.

Crispy Southwestern Chicken Wraps
1 cup cooked white rice
1 cup cooked, shredded chicken
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 green onion, finely sliced
1/2 green or red bell pepper
1/4 cup cilantro (I omitted)
juice of 1 lime
1/2 Tbsp. chili powder
1 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. garlic salt
2 cups shredded cheese
Sour cream
6 tortillas *
The original recipe called for burrito size tortillas. I only had the regular small ones which just meant I had to eat more  of them :)

1. Cook and shred chicken while cooking rice.
2. Combine rice with spices (chili powder, cumin, garlic salt).
3. Add the black beans, chicken, onion, pepper, cilantro, and lime juice. The recipe called for topping the cheese in the next step with the sour cream but I just added a little bit here to make it creamy. 
4. Sprinkle tortillas with cheese. Top with chicken mixture. Roll up and toast on each side in skillet until golden brown (I had to secure mine with toothpicks to keep all the deliciousness inside).
Enjoy!!! Hopefully it gets a "Mmm"/grunt out of you too!

Saturday was a day full of deep-cleaning (gotta capitalize when the mood strikes right?), fall decorating, and football watching. And I finally took pictures of our fully completed, moved in, and decorated duplex although we have been settled for months. It was amazing to compare those pics to the ones we took on the very first day we moved in! So glad we covered up those dingy white walls with some paint - seriously close to miraculous the difference a gallon of paint can make. Sunday morning rolls around and I decide that instead of getting up super early and completing the last of week 5 runs before Sunday School and church, I'll just do it later....Allow me to tell you my horrific story:

I decide around 5:30 after spending the afternoon working on different crafts for my sister's upcoming bridal shower (pics to come after the shower in case she reads this before - I can't wait to share!) that I would go out and complete this run. Why I decided to do this when it is literally 99 degrees outside, not including heat index, and I have the beginnings of a cold I truly will never know. But I pumped myself up by repeating the phrase "30 minutes and you're done" as I hunted for my sports bra and a pair of shorts, getting distracted at least two or three times (I found myself sweeping the living room midway through getting dressed - seriously? Ritalin I think I need you). Worst. Decision. Ever. Although it was only thirty minutes long like usual Clarisse greeted me with a cheery "this week you will be running for twenty minutes without stopping or walking". Oh great. I know I have complained about the five minute requirements before so I offer an official retraction of those complaints issued and signed by yours truly. C-dawg, as I like to sometimes call her, kept insisting that this was all a mental challenge and that physically, I was ready. Maybe I would have been ready had I completed the run at 6:30 in the morning like usual when it is much, much, MUCH cooler/even pleasant. But no. Although I somehow managed to finish the run without stopping, I believe I suffered from some degree of heat exhaustion/mental confusion. I seriously considered rolling in the delightful stream of water running along the gutter and veered dangerously close as I huffed, puffed, and dragged my feet home. With about 5 minutes left I turned down a street in search of some shade and relief from the blaring sun. I didn't even make it to the cul-de-sac before making an awkward turnaround that brought back memories of high school days where you realize you are going the wrong way to a class and you just have to awkwardly turn around in the middle of the hallway. I would always give a little "Oh yeah!" like I forgot something to give my turnaround some sort of foundation. Anyways, there were some children playing in the cul-de-sac with their parents watching nearby and with the extremely slow pace at which I was "jogging", I did not want these fine suburban parents to think I was a creeper. With a final push I made it to the end. However, the reason I believe I suffered from heat exhaustion (ok, maybe just a little case of over-heating) was because despite how extremely hot I was I stopped sweating. Don't let my soaking shirt fool you, cars passing by, I literally poured water on myself from my water bottle. Dramatic? Perhaps a little but I at least waited until no one was around before I attempted to cool down. Alas, it was futile, for my water was practically boiling. Thank you, Texas sun. Anyhoo, I got home, realized my face was the exact shade of coral-red as my shirt, and turned on a freezing cold shower. The only time I turned on the slightest amount of hot water in my (somewhat) long shower was to shave my legs because let's face it, shaving your legs when cold is another form of torture. Unfortunately, my sad saga does not end there. As I was standing in the freezing water for the first few minutes I realized I should most likely stretch my legs after running for that length of time. I swear only this would happen to I went to lift my left foot behind me and hold it to the back of my thigh to stretch, I hit the faucet and whacked the (pardon my french) crap out of my foot, instantly leaving a half-inch crater/blood-under-the-skin bruise. Really Sarah? And it had to happen in the beginning of my supposedly-refreshing shower so that for the remaining time, all I could think of was the pain shooting down to my foot. Oh, but don't worry, as I got out of the tub I hit the same foot at the exact same spot on the edge, causing it to bleed. Dear Lord, I need Your help and I need it bad. Let's just say, James came home from football practice to a very sad little girl. On the bright side, we had queso! I dare you to find a situation in which hot, melty cheese does not remedy. It's impossible. The best part was that when I told James on the phone that I had an injury I had to add "A real one this time!" Usually when I show him my injuries his first word is "Where?" My three-year-olds and I have much in common. It's why we get along so well :)

So that concludes my long, drawn-out tale of my Sunday evening. How was yours?

Monday. Dooms Day. Just kidding but I firmly believe that my kiddos did not get any sleep whatsoever the entire weekend and brought all that overly tired energy to school with them. It was one of those mornings where I was absolutely exhausted by 10:58 a.m. (I arrive at 10:00....yeah.). But during blessed nap time, in addition to fervently praying for the Holy Spirit to transcend upon all of the little bodies in the room and magically make them wake up with sweet, peaceful, gentle little souls, I {very} hastily pulled together a bear hunt. Allow me to introduce to you Dr. Jean. For all those non-teachers or moms that are not familiar with Dr. Jean, she is a lady who sings songs that children absolutely love. The downside? Her accent!!! I don't know where she is from but she has a voice that literally drives me up the wall. I sincerely apologize to any Dr. Jean fanatics out there but in my defense I do greatly appreciate her music. She has one song, "The Cool Bear Hunt" that the kids practically beg me for every day. In the song, you pack an imaginary backpack with the essentials - crackers, milk, and a flashlight, then set off on an incredible bear hunt through a candy factory, a peanut butter river, and even a jello swamp in search of a bear with "big green eyes and a fuzzy little tail". Well, our already small classroom was WAY too small for the amount of energy radiating from my kids so I decided we would conduct our own bear hunt on the playground after our afternoon snack. So back to nap time: I drew, traced, cut out, adorned, laminated, and cut out again 18 little bears that looked like the outline of a rabbit if you turn them upside-down. Then I raced out to the playground in the last 5 minutes of their nap to duct tape them in secret spots all over the place. I totally get why my dad always loved doing egg hunts for me and my sister growing up - it is so much fun seeing the kids hunt and get SO excited when they find them! I wish I had a video camera, they were absolutely precious! Of course, there are always those kids that get extremely sad and upset when they are not finding any bears (despite the fact they just found three). I was that child. The kids had so much fun that they begged for another bear hunt. So I sent them in with the teacher assistant, re-taped all those little bears (why did I take the tape off and throw it away after the first hunt, I don't know), and run around in the 100 degree weather like a crazy person. But so worth it!!

Pretty cute for working in a serious time crunch huh? And the eyelashes were a must.

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