Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sidenotes from a Sickbed

Psalm 16:8 "I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." I love the active wording of this verse. Yes, the Lord is constantly with us and will never leave nor forsake us. But we also have to be active in setting Him before us, in ensuring that He is in his rightful and most-deserving place in our lives. It is not by setting our work, our social lives, or even our families before us that we will have true peace and fulfillment, but only by placing our Heavenly Father at front of everything.

Well, it seems like there is something out there desperately wanting to cut me off of any progress with this running thing. If it isn't the klutzy accident in the shower that took a week and a half to heal it's been my crazy week of health issues! This Wednesday morning I got to make my first trip ever to the Emergency Room after waking up at 5:45 with the awful feeling of a UTI. Since the urgent care clinics don't open until 9:00 (apparently nothing can be urgent before that time..) I found myself sitting in the waiting room at 6:00 am. My husband had left earlier to go for a run so I left him this note "Went to ER. Have UTI." Well, apparently he did not get this note (don't worry I left it directly under the turned-on lamp so he was sure to see ha!) and just thought I was being extra-super-motivated at the gym that morning and working out for a very long time....yeah right!! Geez, I thought he knew me...So that was Wednesday. My husband was out of town Thursday night, which cereal-for-dinner-night woot woot, and we were so looking forward to the OSU-A&M game on Saturday. I had all kinds of plans to make a big ol' OSU cookie cake using orange and black Reese's Pieces and try out my new frosting gun. Well, Saturday morning rolls around and I wake up with something like the flu. Fever, body aches, awful headache, the works. Really?? I was so determined to still go to the game I even dragged myself out of bed to put on my makeup. Granted I had to return to bed to lie down for a bit because that little bit of movement literally exhausted me. Well, better judgement got the better of me and I spent the entire day my makeup. Good news thought - my cowboys won by a major comeback! Go Pokes! We might just have to eat a belated orange and black cookie cake as a celebration. Oh wait....I just realized I could use it for Halloween....

Forgive my health rant. I am praying that this is my dose for the whole school year that just happened to all come at once. We had one of my kiddo's dads come in, a dental hygienist, and speak with the kids about keeping their teeth clean. They were so precious and I was so proud of them for being on their (somewhat) best behavior. He gave them all toothbrushes early on in his talk, which meant toothbrushes were in each other's eyes, on the germ-filled carpet, on their legs, on my legs, on their arms, on my arms, etc. Let's just say I decided those toothbrushes would stay at school and be used for art. After he left, we used those new toothbrushes to paint with toothpaste on construction paper. So simple and they loved it! Something new that has developed recently on the playground is playing "baseball". AKA one of my kids stands in front of me with a bucket on his/her head as a baseball helmet and a small plastic shovel as a bat. I say his/her name in an announcer-ish voice, drawing out all of the syllables. The cutest thing is that the other classmates, who sit in the "stands" to watch the game until their turn, are starting to announce with me. Then the batter hits the imaginary ball and takes off for the bases. I call out "First base!" "Second base!" "Third base!" "He/She is headed for home plate!" "Home run!" followed by "And the crowd goes wild!" with cheering and arms waving back and forth. Well, after about 15 rounds of this, which it is doing wonders to their concept of taking turns, my voice was getting a little tired. I seriously thought that they probably weren't even hearing me call out the bases as they ran literally all over the playground, sometimes inside the play houses then back out, and I could probably just say home run. Boy was I wrong. Any time I did not call out the appropriate bases, my little ones would stop and yell out, "Ms. Sawah!!!! Say the numbers!!!" I'm sorry!

As much as we tell kids what to do or more often, what not to do, it's amazing the lessons we can learn from these little ones. For example, they notice the absolute tiniest details about you! The other day, one of my sweet little boys was sitting next to me on the carpet and grabbed my hand, EXTREMELY concerned about the minute traces of red nail polish left on the sides of my thumb from taking it off in a hurry. He thought it was blood and kept asking if it hurt! They say to stop and smell the roses, but I also think we should stop and just look around us. The busier we get the easier it becomes to look over small little details in life. But if we were more like preschoolers, with eyes that take in everything with a newness and wonder, how would that change our relationships with friends, family, spouses, coworkers, etc.?

I apologize that I don't have a recipe to share with you today. After this bout of health stuff (I've had nothing but juice, water, and a bowl of Honey Nut Spins - they're the knock-off of Cheerios and quite tasty - in the past 24 hours), I have not felt like cooking very much. But I do want to share this new song by Needtobreathe that I am absolutely obsessed with! That band can do no wrong - every song that comes out of their mouths is just amazing!!!

"Slumber" by Needtobreathe

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