Thursday, August 25, 2011

Righteousness, Rain, and Recipes!

2 Corinthians 5:21 "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God." When I read this I just had to stop and praise God for making us so special to Him although we are so unworthy. We are the righteousness of God the Almighty?! We have been washed clean by the only one who lived without sin, one who actually became the sin of that generation, and the next, and the next, and every generation to follow?! What an awesome, incredible thought! I think our days would change immensely if we woke up with the attitude and belief that "I am the righteousness of God".  Our interactions with others, the words we say, and even our thoughts would take on a whole new look when we step into the role of the righteousness of God. Lord, help us to better assume this role every day as we grow into the people You want us to be!

Well it finally rained last night!! Glory to God!! And I woke up to a deliciously dark, cloudy morning! Don't get me wrong...I am such a sunshine girl, seriously I think I need to see the sun each day not only so I can live but so that I do not harm those around me :) ...but after this yearlong drought (I exaggerate, naturally) there was no sweeter sound than the sound of a few sprinkles hitting our kitchen window!

In other exciting news...week 3 of Couch to 5K has started off with a bang! Actually a yawn and a whine "I don't want to doooooo this" as my alarm screeches at 6:30 am. But Clarisse has definitely stepped it up this week. We do two repetitions of 90 seconds running, 90 seconds walking, 3 minutes running, 3 minutes walking. Surprisingly the 3 minutes aren't too bad (if anyone reading this is an actual runner, forgive my pathetic-ness). And I can't believe it's been 3 weeks already! Just 6 more to go....ok that's depressing...haha!

So for kid news...they are just so precious! Even when their behavior is most challenging/insane, I just can't help but love them! Monday afternoon was one of those "two margarita days" as one of my college professors put it, but was followed by a wonderful afternoon the next day. We went on a whole-class car ride (aka I put our chairs in rows of 2 like an extra-long suburban) and took turns being the driver. Our first little man took us to "Water Buffalo Town" where, and I quote, "they have a brand-new playground, they just built it!" Every one in the car had to have their imaginary seat belts and some small toy from the classroom. Our next driver took us to Whataburger, where we ordered play-doh hamburgers, fries, tea, etc. from the kids that got off a Water Buffalo Town. We also stopped at McDonald's and Chick-fil-A....apparently my kids have a passion for fast food! One of the best quotes of the week was from my sweet little boyfriend (he calls me Ms. Sawah Baby) who asked me to throw away his trash at lunch. After calling my name several times in the chaos of opening everyone's juice boxes, I finally got over to his chair and picked up his baggie (he used his polite words). As I threw it in our trash can I hear a high-pitched, excited, "Yay for Ms. Sawah!!!!" Totally made my day...all I could do was laugh, as usual.

We also made homemade play-doh this week and the kids had a blast smooshing it around on the tables. My version was a little, um stickier let's say, than the store version and ended up being a huge mess to clean up but that is not the point! They had fun and learned in the process. The kids were hitting their play-doh to make it flat and I commented that it sort of sounded like a rain storm. That led to a whole class performance of a thunderstorm. I'd say "It's starting to sprinkle a little bit!" and the kids would quietly hit their play-doh pancakes with a few fingers...then...."It's getting harder, it's getting harder, it's getting harder!" and we'd all make a whole lot of noise (I apologize to anyone else in the building but sometimes learning is loud). Then we all would stop and I'd say, "The rain stopped!" and all the kids pointed to the window and exclaimed, "And the sun came out!" followed by screeches of laughter. How many times did we do this? I lost count!

On Sunday, my husband got back from a wedding he had been to and I surprised him (well, not really because I usually make dinner every night haha) with a nice dinner aka I made a little menu on scrapbook paper. It was so easy and so good! I got this chicken recipe from one of my fave blogs "Pearls, Handcuffs, and Happy Hour":

Smothered Chicken
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
6-8 slices bacon, cooked and chopped
4 slices cheddar cheese
BBQ sauce
Montreal steak seasoning (I didn't have this so I used Tony Chacheres)
Green onion
Honey mustard sauce (1 cup mayo, 1/2 cup dijon mustard, 1/4 cup honey)
(I omitted this, partly because I didn't have mustard, and partly because I'm not a huge condiment fan)

1. Sprinkle both sides of chicken with seasoning and cook in skillet on medium-high heat for about 6-8 minutes per side.
2. Cook and chop bacon.
3. After chicken is cooked on both sides and is all white throughout, leave it in the skillet and spread a tablespoon of bbq sauce on each piece.
4. Layer with chopped bacon then top with 1 slice of cheese each.
5. Cover skillet and continue cooking until cheese is all melted.
6. Top with green onions and serve with honey mustard sauce, if so desired.

I also made some homemade cheddar biscuits that I got from my Christmas cookbook. While I was slightly disappointed in the fact that the cheese flavor was hardly noticeable, they turned out to be really soft, deliciously salty little biscuits. The cheese is so subtle that I've been having one with my morning coffee with jam. And believe me I would not eat cheese-jam :) Next time I think I'll double the cheese or omit it altogether.

Cheese Biscuits
2 cups sifted flour
3 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup shortening
1/2 cup Swiss or cheddar cheese, grated
2/3 cup milk
1 egg, slightly beaten
2 to 3 Tbsp butter, melted

1. Sift dry ingredients together.
2. Cut in shortening and cheese, mixing well.
3. Add milk and egg, stirring quickly until soft dough is formed.
4. Turn onto lightly floured surface and knead into smooth ball.
5. Roll lightly to 2-inch thickness (mine were more like 1 inch) and cut into rounds with floured biscuit cutter (I used a circle cookie cutter).
6. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet at 375 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes.
7. Brush with melted butter immediately after removing oven (this is the best part!!)

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