Sunday, July 24, 2011


I suppose I should begin by introducing myself. I am a recent college graduate who recently moved, recently got married, and recently got a job! Needless to say, this has been the summer of transitions and life changes! I married my high school sweetheart in early July after doing the long-distance-relationship-thing for four long years. However, that time apart truly worked to grow, enhance, and solidify our relationship with each other as well as with God. There is no way we could have done it (or anything else for that matter!) without leaning on the Lord. I graduated with a degree in Early Childhood Education and was just hired to be a three-year-old preschool teacher (now THAT was an interview arranged by a higher power for sure!....God is so good) so expect many teacher stories. My husband (that word still sounds strange to my ears in a wonderful way) swears I have ADD...I like to call it multitasking. I enjoy cooking, especially in recent years and luckily for the husband, my cooking skills have greatly improved. There is an infamous story where I became extremely frustrated after attempting to cook a grilled cheese...not realizing that the fan was on instead of the burner. That was then, this is now. This blog will be an eclectic assortment of random thoughts, cooking adventures, teaching ideas, newlywed lessons, and above all else, FAITH.

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