Sunday, August 19, 2012

Welcome back!

1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." This verse was given to me on the first day of my new teacher training on a card that I have carried with me for the past few weeks. I need this reminder regularly as I tend to worry or stress or complain to God about how "big" my problems are. And yet, God is bigger than everything! He is above all else! He cares about us with such an unimaginable love that He wants to take away our anxieties, our burdens, our worries, and our stresses and in their place leave His soothing peace and healing love. Nothing can possibly compare to the love and care that Christ has for each of us!!

Hello friends! I apologize for the lack of blog has just been *slightly* crazy to say the least! But in a good way of course! We got back from Asia after two weeks of exploring an entire different side of the world. Craziest part definitely had to be the time changes on the flights over and back. How can it be 3 am on Saturday morning when we left at 4 pm on Saturday?? I still am pondering. But our trip was amazing and we had the privilege to see some of God's most beautiful creation such as this view on the way to Phi Phi Island in Thailand......

Is our God amazing or what? He truly stunned me with His beauty. After two weeks of our Asian Invasion (side note: One of the best stories from the trip had to be this conversation I had with a waiter at a restaurant who spoke limited English with a thick accent: Me: "I'd like the sweet and sour chicken please." Him: "OK! You like Caesar salad with chicken yes??" But I appreciate your enthusiasm!) we were grateful for that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity but glad to get back home to Texas! The day after....literally the day after....we got home, James and I started new jobs. I began a week of new teacher orientation at my new school which is amazing! The leadership and Godliness of the administration, along with their heart for the Lord, just blows me away! After an intense week of training and getting my room in shape/ready for the new year, we had Meet-the-Teacher on August 14th, followed by the first day of school on August 15th! I can't believe the school year got here so fast!! The first three days were crazy, but in a wonderful way, as I really focused on building our classroom community and teaching procedures. The long process of getting my room together is finally over and I thought I'd share pics! Welcome to my first grade frog classroom!!!

Our front door!

View of the room at large!

Cabinet space and "What's Hopping?" board (a place to show off student work)

Front of the room
Library/Reading corner

Birthday wall....a "should have been 10 minute" project that turned into a much bigger ordeal! But happy with the finished product:)

Word wall and station shelves

Up close calendar wall
Pond Patrol job wheel                      

Our classroom motivation system! Each time I "catch" a student performing an act of kindness, they get to put a scoop of popcorn kernels in the bowl! Once we reach the line we get to enjoy a class
popcorn party!
 This weekend has been a super busy one filled with work (such is the life of a teacher) and I am getting ready to jump into full-blown academics this week! Plus Bible - did I mention that was part of the curriculum?? How cool is that?? I hope everyone's summers are wrapping up peacefully and wonderfully and the new school year is blessed. Welcome back!

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