Monday, November 19, 2012

Turkey Break

Psalm 100:4 "Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations."

Crock Pot Chicken Taco Chili

1 onion, chopped
1 16-oz. can black beans
1 16-oz. can kidney beans
1 8-oz. can tomato sauce
10 oz package frozen corn (I used a can)
2 14.5-oz. cans Rotel
1 packet taco seasoning
1 Tbsp cumin
1 Tbsp chili powder
3-4 boneless chicken breasts
Chili peppers, chopped (optional)
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro (I omitted)

Combine all ingredients (except chicken and cilantro) in the bottom of your crock pot. Place chicken breasts on top. Cook on low for 10 hours or high for 6 hours (my crock pot runs hot I think and it did not take me nearly this long).  Half an hour before serving remove chicken and shred. Return to pot and stir in. Top with fresh cilantro....or a mountain of cheese and crushed tortilla chips like we did!

I am at the same time amazed and astounded that we are entering Thanksgiving Week! With only two and a half days of school this week I know it is going to fly by! One of my boys asked me if we would have to clean out our desks before we go on "Turkey Break" cute! And yes, your desk is like a black hole where pencil shavings, goldfish, unfinished papers, random assortment of trash, and who-knows-what-else go to die...not so cute! Here's a quick catch up of just a few of the things we have been doing recently...

In math we've been talking about skip counting and they made these precious ten frame skip counting turkeys. Believe it or not the orange one below, complete with the fabulous long eyelashes, was created by one of my boys! He wanted to make a girl turkey and was kind enough to supply her with the lashes every girl desires. 

Previously in math we had been studying patterns. They made some really cute pattern turkeys using four different kinds of patterns on the feathers but unfortunately I forgot to snap a pic. We also reviewed patterns using Sweetarts. There's no better way to get them excited for math than to pump them full of sugar at 9:00 in the morning! They had to use their sweetarts to create different patterns then record them using corresponding colored pencils.

We've also been super busy traveling the world in our history unit. The kids have been learning about different countries all over the world and recording a fact about the country and the flag in a passport (it actually looks like a real passport complete with their picture and info). To help with the concept of directions and maps we read "Rosie's Walk" and made these Rosie's with directional words...

We also made these awesome maps that made them totally understand concepts of state vs. country vs. continent. All along our traveling unit they would ask, "When are we going to study Texas?" Texas is a state, not a country. "When are we going to study Austin?" Austin is a city, not a country. Before we started I found our school on Google Earth. Then we slowly zoomed out so they could see our school, street, city, state, country, continent, world. Then we zoomed back in....all these concepts totally clicked! Then we started on our time-consuming projects...but it was definitely worth the time and effort! We started small and worked our way out, beginning with our school. The kids drew pics of our school, street, and different symbols of Texas. For the country, continent, and planet layers I supplied a little map for them to glue on and label. Sorry about the photo quality...

After we'd been traveling to all different countries, I decided that we would establish our own country. First we had to brainstorm everything a country would need. I was amazed at some of the actually realistic ideas they had! Transportation, money, stores, roads, etc. This was a really great time to stretch their brains and really make them aware of so many parts of our country and how it is run. It also hit a ton of Social Studies standards that are sometimes tricky to fit in. From there we had to name our country. To practice voting, we created our list of names and took an anonymous vote. Surprise, surprise, our country was named Aggie. That's what I get for living in Aggieland! Although, "Sebestaland" was a close second :) Then I put the kids on four different committees: the Flag Committee, National Symbols Committee, Rules and Laws Committee , and Leadership Committee. I love some of the rules and qualifications of a leader they brainstormed! It was a really neat time too because every committee member had to agree on whatever they were working on before putting it on the paper. Since creating our country we've also talked a lot about goods and services (the kids made "Goods Road" and "Services Street" to put in our country) and needs and wants. Needs and wants came at a perfect time as we focus on being thankful around this time of year!  

Finally, to prepare for our Thanksgiving party on Wednesday, we made these "I am thankful for..." placemats that will be laminated and set out on their desks. I set out pre-cut turkey bodies (which James pointed out looked like a drumstick when turned on its side) and all different scrapbook and construction papers. The kids had free reign in creating their turkeys and I love how different they all turned out! It was so cute to see their creativity shine. Some kids really went all out but I thought this little guy was so precious and simple....

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 19, 2012


This week, with all my time off, we decided to do a little redecorating of our bedroom. Our room started off with pristine all-white bedding...bedding we knew we would have to change once we had kids since it would no longer be white. Well, turns out little kitties have the same effect. So the re-do ensued. We ended up getting a new, bigger mattress (I am in love with this mattress and literally look forward to going to bed the second my feet hit the floor in the morning) so the new bedding was a must. Fortunately Pottery Barn was having a sale and I found bedding not only for cheap but also with a pattern to camouflage any ensuing stains or dirt! From there we decided to re-vamp the room with a new color scheme - but on a budget! Luckily all of the pillows I had previously worked even better with this new color scheme so all we needed was: a gallon of paint, new lamps ($24. 99 at TJ Maxx!), new curtains, and this nifty DIY headboard I saw online. Headboards are so expensive and the one we had previously was leftover from college, was not even the right size for our smaller bed, and had been leaning against the wall for the past year not even screwed in to anything. So we decided to go this route and I am so happy with the results! It was a very easy first DIY project together...

For this project all you need are four 1x6 boards, some sandpaper to sand the boards, a can of stain, a can of varnish (we already had some), and large 3M command velcro strips to hang the drilling, hammering, or other verbs you would do with tools needed!

Have Home Depot or Lowe's (or wherever you buy the boards) cut the wood to the right length. Prep the wood by lightly sanding before applying the stain. Let dry completely before applying a coat of clear varnish. Allow the varnish to dry overnight before applying a second coat. Place the velcro strips on the back of the boards and on the wall, leaving however much space you would like between each board (we hung them an inch apart). After we hung our new, cheap headboard, allowed ourselves a couple moments to bask in the pride that DIY projects bring about, and settled down for the first night of sleep in our new room, we soon heard a "clunk". It was a "clunk" that said so much. Apparently, one of the velcro strips did not adhere to the back of the board. Luckily with my tendency for slight paranoia over weird, random things (thanks for that one genetics *cough*mother*cough*), I placed the pillow sham under the headboard and my own pillow about a foot or two away from boards just in case one should slip. We took off all of the boards and the next day reinforced all of the velcro strips on the boards with super glue. I am proud to say they are still on the wall, holding like a champ! No pillow barrier needed now!

Not too bad for a couple days' work and a budget! I think the kitty approves...

Catch Up

Matthew 11:28-29 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart , and you will find rest for your souls." We serve an amazing God who knows our human limitations and weakness. Not only does He shower us with blessings daily, but He freely offers the gift of rest. His yoke is gentle, His Word is true, and His grace is never-ending. Trust in Him, learn from Him, and He will bless you with peace and rest.

Speaking of rest, this week my school blessed us with a fall break...a whole week off! It has been a time for me to catch up...on cooking, on home projects, and on school...although only a tiny bit of my break has been spent on that last one :) Here's what we have been up to in the world of first grade! It is busier than ever but we have been able to do a lot of fun activities with our science unit over frogs and toads!

Life cycle wheel!

Frog and toad comparisons....lots of pieces to cut out but turned out so cute and so worth it!

Hallway display...all of first grade's frogs and toads!
Food chains! Hanging all over the classroom now :)

We've also been hard at work on adjectives, whipping up some tasty, delicious, yummy, wonderful adjective pizzas....

The kids also made these precious adjective accordion people....only this time they made it for their partner, writing words that describe their friend on each section. Some of the adjectives they brainstormed were just precious. One of my sweet boys raised his hand to ask how you spell "beautiful" for his partner. Of course giggles and gasps ensued, which I quickly put to rest. He also asked how to spell "awesome"....leaving his little partner beaming :)

In math we've been working on doubles and near doubles, which can be a little tricky for some. To help with the concept we made a "Doubles Neighborhood", with near doubles as the next door neighbors. I loved to see their creativity when designing their "neighborhoods". One of my boys drew a giant brown circle and said that was the hole where the tree was going to go...of course you would have to make a space to plant it first! A couple were in the Halloween spirit and decorated their houses with pumpkins. I even had one decide to go with a Christmas theme...apparently they are in cahoots with Hobby Lobby with the whole early Christmas season thing...

As far as food is concerned, my fall break actually let me cook real meals! I found a couple awesome things on Pinterest that I have been dying to try out. Both were winners!

Healthy Mexican Sweet Potato Skins

3 medium sweet potatoes
1 can corn, rinsed and patted dry
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 Tbsp. butter
1/2 yellow onion, chopped
2-4 canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, minced or pureed
(I used time I think I would use 2. It was pretty hot but in a delicious, smoky hot way....that sounds a little wrong...)
1 ounce light cream cheese
1/4 cup light sour cream
1 teaspoon salt (+ more to taste)
1/2 cup cilantro (roughly chopped) - I omitted
6 Tbsp. shredded cheese (who am I kidding...I definitely did not measure, just topped them with a lovely mound of cheese)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake the sweet potatoes for 45-60 minutes.
2. While the potatoes are baking, place the corn in a heavy cast-iron skillet with no butter or oil over medium-high heat. (I just used a regular skillet). Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Do not stir! Let it sit and roast for several minutes before stirring. Let it roast a few more minutes before stirring again. Continue this for about ten minutes until corn is brown and roasted on the outside.
Set aside in a small bowl with the black beans.
3. Saute the onion in butter over medium heat until soft and translucent. Set aside.
4. Remove the potatoes from the oven when fork-tender. Let cool 5-10 minutes. Cut the sweet potatoes in half and scrape the flesh out, leaving the skins intact. 
5. Mix the sweet potato flesh with the cream cheese, sour cream, chipotle peppers and salt. You can use a mixer or a spoon, depending on how soft they are. Mix well then add the black beans, corn, sauteed onions, and cilantro (if using). 
6. Scoop the filling into the skins and top each with 1 tablespoon (or more!) of cheese. Broil for 5 minutes or until cheese is melted.

Do not be deterred by the number of steps! These babies are SO worth the effort...and it's really not that much work! I would eat them every night if I could!

Skillet Lasagna

1 1/2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
1 cup mushrooms, chopped (I left out...not a fan of the fungus)
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 (14.5 oz) can diced Italian roasted tomatoes, drained 
*The recipe called for 2, I just used 1 because I don't care for a lot of chunks of tomatoes
1/4 cup tomato sauce 
*I used the whole can of tomato sauce 
3 basil leaves, chopped 
*I used a generous pinch of dried basil
1/4 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. salt
1/2 cup skim ricotta cheese
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
3 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese
About 6 ounces lasagna noodles, broken into thirds and fully cooked (I used whole wheat noodles)
2 Tbsp. dried parsley (dried or fresh)

1. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add onions and cook until softened, about 4 minutes. Add garlic and mushrooms and cook until garlic is fragrant, about 1 minute. Add diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, basil, salt, and pepper. Cook mixture until it thickens up, about 5 minutes.
2. Add noodles to skillet and stir into the mixture well. Add scoops of ricotta cheese over the noodles; add in mozzarella and Parmesan. Stir in parsley and cook for 2 more minutes, or until mixture is thick.
3. Serve immediately!

Sorry for the lack of picture but believe me when I's good!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My strength and my song.

The Lord is absolutely amazing in all that He does and all that He is! He planned out each one of our days before even one came to be. He knows exactly what we need, when we need it, and blessed is the one who knows that what the Lord has provided is enough. Last weekend I was feeling very stressed about finishing everything I needed to. Starting this day with a feeling of stress, I voiced my concerns (ok...I might have been complaining/venting) to James before opening up my daily devotional. I was astounded that God planned these words so far in advance, knowing the day I would need them especially. I would love to share those words from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young and I hope they are a balm for anyone who is also feeling stresses or pressures:

"Trust Me and refuse to worry, for I am your Strength and Song. You are feeling wobbly this morning, looking at difficult times looming ahead, measuring them against your own strength. However, they are not today's tasks - or even tomorrow's. So leave them in the future and come home to the present, where you will find Me waiting for you. Since I am your Strength, I can empower you to handle each task as it comes. Because I am your Song, I can give you Joy as you work alongside Me."

So sorry for the lack of updates and recipes! Life has been crazy busy to say the least. School has consumed my life, yet it is my daily goal to really balance home and work. Of course, as I type this, I realize James and I have been spending quality time watching the return of our favorite shows....and I've been doing school work the whole time. So that goal continues! First grade is flying by - I can't believe it's almost October!! I have been willing on fall and cooler weather by enjoying my first pumpkin spice latte of the season, proudly bearing fall colors, and barely reigning in the urge to whip out a scarf despite the 95-degree heat. 

I have some precious kiddos in my class this year who never cease to make me laugh with the things they say. Favorite kid is rubbing his forehead where a red bump is rapidly forming he says to me, "Mrs. Sebesta...I thought my lollipop would be soft....but it was really hard." Love him!

In terms of recipes, the start of the school year has resulted in a much-increased rate of eating out/random dinners (salad and Eggos anyone?). I did manage to pull together this new recipe and oh man, was it tasty!! And super easy which is perfect for a weeknight!

Mexican Bubble Pizza

1 1/2 lb lean ground beef
1 pkg taco seasoning
3/4 cup water
1 can condensed tomato soup 
(I just used a can of tomato sauce because that's all I had on hand...worked great!)
1 can refrigerated buttermilk biscuits
2 cups shredded Mexican blend cheese
Optional toppings:
lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, sour cream, avocado, green onions

1. Preheat oven to 375.
2. Brown meat and drain. Add taco seasoning, water, and soup and mix well.
3. Heat to boiling, reduce and let simmer for 3 minutes. Remove from heat.
4. Separate dough into 8 biscuits. Cut each biscuit into 8 pieces (not gonna lie...I cut some into 6 and some into 4. Patience is not my forte at times...)
5. Add the biscuit pieces to the beef mixture and stir gently. Spoon into ungreased 9x13 casserole dish.
6. Bake for 20-22 minutes uncovered or until sauce is bubbly and biscuits are golden brown. Sprinkle with cheese then bake for 10 minutes longer, or until cheese is bubbly.
7. Cut into squares, top with any additional toppings and enjoy!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Is it fall yet?

Psalm 25:15 "My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only He will release my feet from the snare." This week has been a taxing one - the kind of week where you go to bed with tension in your shoulders thinking about everything that has to be done, dream about everything that has to be done, and wake up anxious to get those things done. This clear and refreshing psalm gave me just the reminder that I needed: my eyes are not on the world around me, where snares, anxieties, and stresses wait. My eyes are ever on the Lord, captivated by His grace, mercy, and love. When things get busy I tend to put my head down into my own little world, concentrating only on those pressing issues around me. However, when I lift my eyes up to the Lord, I don't see those things that are so eager to grasp me by my feet and hold me down. If I keep my eyes ever on the Lord, I see only His way, His peace, and His supremacy. Thank you Lord for releasing my feet from the snare!

Is it fall yet? I took a trip to Hobby Lobby this afternoon with my husband (I had to be sneaky in my attempts to have more browsing time. He had a specific mission to only get two frames. I took a detour to the fall decor when I was supposed to be going to the register and earned a few extra minutes before I got the call..."You still haven't checked out?? Where are you??" And yes we were in the same store." Anyhoo I am so ready to bust out all my decor, slip on a sweater, and sip a pumpkin spice latte! In order to envoke that feeling of fall, despite the 95-degree August heat, I made us some tasty, hearty soup and cranked down the AC. One can dream right? This soup was absolutely delicious, super healthy, and easy! It is definitely going to be revisited when fall actually does come around.

Pasta Fagioli

1 Tbsp olive oil
3 cloves of garlic, chopped
1/2 onion, chopped
1 celery stock, chopped
1 carrot, finely chopped
1 (15 oz.) can cannelini beans
 (I just used Great Northern beans because I happened to have a can in the pantry)
1 (15 oz) can tomato sauce or crushed tomatoes
1 large bay leaf
1 Tbsp basil
1 Tbsp parsley
1 tsp oregano
2 (14 oz) cans fat free chicken broth
1 cup water 
Salt and pepper to taste
6 oz dry Ditalini pasta or other small pasta 
(I used whole wheat little elbows)
Parmesan cheese to top

1. In a deep pot, saute onion and garlic in olive oil over medium heat.
2. Add beans to pan then add tomato sauce, celery, carrot, chicken broth, basil, parsley, oregano, bay leaf, salt, and pepper. Add 1 cup of water and bring to a slow boil.
3. Let simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
4. Add the dry pasta and cook uncovered until al dente, according to pasta directions. **Mine cooked a bit faster than usual so just keep your eye on it.
5. Ladle it up and top with cheese!

Highly recommended: serve with buttered french bread to soak up all the yummy broth!

I cannot believe we have only been in school for one full week! This week has been so crazy, but good; exhausting, but rewarding. At one point I wondered if I had gotten married or if it had all been a dream since I hadn't seen that person called a husband much this week! My first grade teammate and I have been pulling some late nights at school, spending more than 12 hours up at the classroom, which resulted in a variety of eating out last week ha! Let's see...Subway, Pei Wei, and Little Caesar's were all my friends. Which is why I promised that husband (I found out I did get married after all!) some homemade meals this weekend. Hence the soup.

Anyhoo, although it was crazy we were so busy and had a lot of fun last week! In science we were learning all about the five senses and made these precious little people....

We also did a sight tour of the school using only our sense of sight (go figure) and the kids enjoyed it way more than I thought! They could not talk but only use their eyes to draw pictures of anything they saw at the front desk, the hallway, and two spots outside. One of my sweetest little boys looked at me and exclaimed, "There's so much to see!!" We also did science mystery bags for the senses of touch and hear. I put different items in brown paper bags and the kids had to close their eyes, reach in, and feel (or shake the plastic Easter egg filled with small items like rice or coins for hearing). Then they recorded their guess, followed by what was actually in the mystery bag. Finally, on Friday we wrapped up the five senses with a Skittles blind taste test. 

The kids were really into nouns and verbs which I thought was so funny! They were so excited to learn more about them as the week progressed. We made these little noun flip books which were really fun. They thought of at least one person, place, and thing and illustrated.

The highlight of the week, however, definitely had to be on Friday when we became verb action heroes. I found the idea for the page on Pinterest and decided to make my own. After brainstorming a list of verbs, the kids wrote 6 different verbs on their page. Then they got to design their own super hero (the girls added pigtails or bows to the top of the little boy clip art super hero) and color the logo to go on their cape. Then came the craziness....having the kids glue on their logos, tie 16 different capes, 16 different masks and try to get a group photo on the rug as the carpool announcements were starting. Needless to say I was a bit tired by Friday afternoon but it was totally worth it! The kids looked SO cute and I got a class photo to send to parents! And a lot of kids wanted to wear their capes out to their cars in the carpool line. Of course, my little guy who is six going on forty-six (he is the most responsible kid ever and begins every thoughtful comment or question with the phrase, "First of all..." then pauses and uses hand gestures) told me he was just going to carry his cape because he was feeling a little embarrassed. Besides him all the kids loved it and I'm pretty sure they will not forget that verbs are action words!

We also began our study of word families and made these cute word family flip books. Super easy to make (a third of a sentence strip and paper) and a really fun activity for the kids!

Finally I thought I'd share this with y'all, although I'm sure you've already seen it floating around Pinterest. We had received these foam magnetic word family tiles but my white board, unfortunately, is not magnetic. I really wanted the kids to be able to manipulate the tiles in a station so I got 4 cookie sheets from the Dollar Tree and voila! They moved the letters in front of the word family, decided if it was a real word or a made-up word, and recorded them in their writing journals. Thank you Dollar Tree for satisfying my cheapskate heart!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Welcome back!

1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." This verse was given to me on the first day of my new teacher training on a card that I have carried with me for the past few weeks. I need this reminder regularly as I tend to worry or stress or complain to God about how "big" my problems are. And yet, God is bigger than everything! He is above all else! He cares about us with such an unimaginable love that He wants to take away our anxieties, our burdens, our worries, and our stresses and in their place leave His soothing peace and healing love. Nothing can possibly compare to the love and care that Christ has for each of us!!

Hello friends! I apologize for the lack of blog has just been *slightly* crazy to say the least! But in a good way of course! We got back from Asia after two weeks of exploring an entire different side of the world. Craziest part definitely had to be the time changes on the flights over and back. How can it be 3 am on Saturday morning when we left at 4 pm on Saturday?? I still am pondering. But our trip was amazing and we had the privilege to see some of God's most beautiful creation such as this view on the way to Phi Phi Island in Thailand......

Is our God amazing or what? He truly stunned me with His beauty. After two weeks of our Asian Invasion (side note: One of the best stories from the trip had to be this conversation I had with a waiter at a restaurant who spoke limited English with a thick accent: Me: "I'd like the sweet and sour chicken please." Him: "OK! You like Caesar salad with chicken yes??" But I appreciate your enthusiasm!) we were grateful for that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity but glad to get back home to Texas! The day after....literally the day after....we got home, James and I started new jobs. I began a week of new teacher orientation at my new school which is amazing! The leadership and Godliness of the administration, along with their heart for the Lord, just blows me away! After an intense week of training and getting my room in shape/ready for the new year, we had Meet-the-Teacher on August 14th, followed by the first day of school on August 15th! I can't believe the school year got here so fast!! The first three days were crazy, but in a wonderful way, as I really focused on building our classroom community and teaching procedures. The long process of getting my room together is finally over and I thought I'd share pics! Welcome to my first grade frog classroom!!!

Our front door!

View of the room at large!

Cabinet space and "What's Hopping?" board (a place to show off student work)

Front of the room
Library/Reading corner

Birthday wall....a "should have been 10 minute" project that turned into a much bigger ordeal! But happy with the finished product:)

Word wall and station shelves

Up close calendar wall
Pond Patrol job wheel                      

Our classroom motivation system! Each time I "catch" a student performing an act of kindness, they get to put a scoop of popcorn kernels in the bowl! Once we reach the line we get to enjoy a class
popcorn party!
 This weekend has been a super busy one filled with work (such is the life of a teacher) and I am getting ready to jump into full-blown academics this week! Plus Bible - did I mention that was part of the curriculum?? How cool is that?? I hope everyone's summers are wrapping up peacefully and wonderfully and the new school year is blessed. Welcome back!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Come away.

To begin with, I apologize for the lack of posts recently! To say that this summer has been busy would be an understatement. This summer we've: gone to six different weddings in five different cities, been gone all but two weekends, both got new jobs for this coming school year, celebrated our first anniversary, all the while working full time. Now we are preparing to leave for a two-week trip to Indonesia and Thailand, getting back the day before we both start these new jobs....I'm trusting in the Lord to take away any trace of jet lag!! In the midst of this whirlwind I stumbled upon this entry on July 17th in my daily devotional (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young) and just HAD to share!!

"Come away with me for a while. The world, with its nonstop demands, can be put on hold. Most people put Me on hold, rationalizing that someday they will find time to focus on Me. But the longer people push Me into the background of their lives, the harder it is for them to find Me. You live among people who glorify busyness; they have made time a tyrant that controls their lives. Even those who know Me as Savior tend to march to the tempo of the world. They have bought into the illusion that more is always better: more meetings, more programs, more activity. I have called you to follow Me on a solitary path, making time alone with Me your highest priority and deepest Joy. It is a pathway largely unappreciated and often despised. However, you have chosen the better thing, which will never be taken away from you. Moreover, as you walk close to Me, I can bless others through you.

Song of Songs 2:13; Luke 10:42"

This passage really resonated me - the queen of the perpetual to-do list. Pursuing the Lord is the most important thing that we could ever do...but do our daily lives reflect that? It's can be tough to answer that honestly but it definitely made me open my eyes to the truth and strive to bring the Lord into brighter focus while pushing that silly to-do list further and further into the background. "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:23-24.

Despite all the craziness, I did manage to find a couple new recipes to share. Both are delicious, easy, and oh-so comforting. (Speaking of comfort food, James and I decided recently that we would eat healthy in the few weeks before our trip since we'll be on the beach and all....yeah, too bad we've been eating our endless supply of first-anniversary-wedding cake every.single.night. Yay for sarongs and cover-ups!)

Three Cheese Baked Ziti

Baked ziti:
4 cups cooked pasta, penne or ziti
1 cup part skim ricotta cheese
2 cups marinara sauce, preferably homemade (recipe below)
*I went for the homemade...Oh my goodness...I'm going to keep this recipe forever! It's SO good and SO worth it!
1 cup grated mozzarella, divided
1/2 cup grated parmesan, divided

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the cooked pasta, ricotta, marinara sauce, 1/2 cup mozzarella, and 1/4 cup parmesan. Stir to mix well.
3. Pour into a greased casserole dish, or individual ramekins, and sprinkle evenly with the remaining 1/2 cup mozzarella and 1/4 cup parmesan. Bake for 15-20 minutes until the cheese has melted. Best when eaten immediately.

Marinara sauce:
(makes 4 cups)
2 Tbsp canola oil
1 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 28-oz can crushed or ground, peeled tomatoes
1 5-6 oz can tomato paste
1 Tbsp dried oregano
3 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper

1. Heat a large pot over medium heat. Add the oil and swirl to coat the bottom of the pan completely.
2. Add the onion and garlic and saute, stirring occasionally, for about 7 minutes, until browned. Lower the heat if they begin to burn. The more color that develops on the onion and garlic, the more flavor they'll add to the finished sauce.
3. Once the onions and garlic are tender and caramel in color, add the crushed tomatoes and tomato paste and stir until the mixture is smooth and well combined.
4. Add the remaining ingredients (oregano, sugar, salt, and pepper), stir, and bring the mixture to a simmer. Lower the heat to the lowest setting, cover and let cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.


Chicken Pot Pie: Deconstructed

(The original recipe made 8 servings. I halved it so some of the measurements are a little funky)

1/2 pound skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cubed
1/2 cup sliced carrots
1/2 cup frozen green peas
1/4 sliced celery (I didn't have this on hand so I just did more peas and carrots)
2 Tbsp + 2 tsp butter
2 Tbsp + 2 tsp chopped onion (I also added more onion to make up for the celery, plus I just chopped too much and didn't want to waste it ha!)
2 Tbsp + 2 tsp flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp black pepper
1/8 tsp celery seed (didn't have on can tell I really plan ahead for my meals....)
3/4 cup + 2 Tbsp chicken broth
1/3 cup milk

**I made little biscuits to serve alongside the chicken pot pie, rather than baking it in a pie crust, hence the "deconstructed". They were good but to be honest, next time I'd probably just use the can of yummy, flaky biscuits. My biscuit-making has some room for improvement :)

1. In a saucepan, combine the chicken, carrots, peas, and celery. Add water to cover and boil for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, drain, and set aside.
2. In the saucepan over medium heat, cook onions in butter until soft and translucent. Stir in flour, salt, pepper, and celery seed. Slowly stir in chicken broth and milk. Simmer over medium-low heat until thick. 
3. Add chicken and veggie mixture to sauce and let simmer together for a few minutes to let all the flavors come together.
4. Serve with biscuits and enjoy!

This sauce is so thick and creamy, you will need to resist the urge to lick your bowl. Of course if no one's looking.....:)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer eatin' had me a blast! (Grease anyone?)

Psalm 130:5 "I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope." We all go through periods of time where we must wait....wait some more....wait a little bit longer....oh and then wait some more. James and I have been in this waiting season for quite a while when it comes to our near future plans but it is during these times that the Lord strengthens and encourages our faith. He may be testing you but have no fear, put your hope in Him and Him alone and you will always pass the test!

Here are a couple recipes for easy and tasty summer eatin'....

Quick and Easy BBQ Bites
From: Me!

1 can reduced fat crescent rolls
2 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded
Favorite barbecue sauce
Pinch of cayenne pepper
1 Tbsp butter, melted

1. Preheat oven to crescent roll package directions (I believe 350).
2. Mix shredded chicken with enough bbq sauce to thoroughly moisten the chicken (I had done mine in the crockpot which makes it super tender and easy to shred. Just throw in chicken breasts seasoned with salt and pepper and some chicken broth. Cook on low til done). Add a sprinkle of cayenne to taste.
3. Unroll crescent triangles onto a greased baking sheet. Place a large dollop of chicken mix onto each crescent, roll up and pull sides to prevent chicken from falling out.
4. Melt butter and brush with a pastry brush over each crescent.
5.  Bake according to package directions.

These are super tasty and super easy (I'm sure this is not an original recipe by any means haha). They're awesome when you're in a pinch and don't really know what to make for dinner or would be a great appetizer!


Fiesta Couscous Bowl
From: Me!

2 chicken breasts, cut into bite-size pieces
1/4 tsp garlic salt
1/4 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp cumin
Olive oil
1 red pepper, diced
3 green onions, thinly sliced
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 can corn, drained
Pinch of red pepper flakes (or time I'd add more)
1 medium lime
1 small avocado, diced
*you could also use rice, wrap this up in a tortilla, serve it over name it!

1. Cook cous cous according to package instructions.
2. Cut chicken into bite size pieces. Heat a small amount of olive oil over medium high heat in large skillet and toss in chicken. Add garlic salt, chili powder, and cumin and mix until spices coat all chicken pieces.
3. When chicken is done, lower heat to medium low and add red pepper and green onions. Cook for a few minutes (I wanted my veggies to keep some of their crunch).
4. Add black beans, corn, and pinch(es) of red pepper flakes and cook for a few more minutes 
to heat through.
5. Squeeze lime over chicken mixture.
6. Scoop cous cous into bowl, add chicken mix, and top with freshly cut avocado.


This next recipe is the best of both worlds! It's basically pasta drenched in creamy white queso....what's better than that??? 

Tex-Mex Chicken & White Cheddar Spaghetti

3/4 lb thin spaghetti
3 Tbsp butter
1 cup diced yellow onion
2 Tbsp flour
1 cup chicken stock
1 cup milk
1/2 lb grated sharp white cheddar cheese
1 Tbsp chopped pickled jalapenos + 1/2 Tbsp juice
1/2 tsp cumin
Salt and pepper, to taste
2 cups cooked, shredded chicken 
3 Tbsp chopped cilantro (I omitted) 

1. Bring large pot of water to boil. Cook spaghetti to al dente and drain. Remove hot pot to burner.
2. Melt butter and saute onions until softened, about 5 minutes. Stir in flour and cook 2 minutes. Slowly whisk in chicken stock and milk to prevent lumps. Increase heat to thicken sauce.
3. Sprinkle in grated cheese and stir continuously to to melt into sauce evenly.
4. Stir in cumin, salt, pepper, jalapenos, jalapeno juice, chicken, cooked spaghetti and cilantro. Toss to coat evenly in sauce. Taste and adjust seasonings if needed.


Happy eating friends!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Calling all control freaks...

Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." I read this short and simple verse of Scripture the other day and wondered why I have not kept these words near and dear to my heart since I could first compose a to-do list?? What an awesome reminder of who exactly is in charge of your life! When I get stressed or worried about the future, when I can't turn my mind off from the "but what ifs" and the "but why didn'ts" I just remind myself that a plan without the Lord is futile. God's purpose for our lives, which luckily is a wonderful purpose since we serving an awesome God who loves us beyond our own comprehension, is the only plan that can and will always fall into place. And on that note....relax, God's got it all under control. :)

First off I'd like to apologize for my lack of posts recently. Life became extremely busy after Easter with the end of the semester and all and we had James' graduation and my sister's wedding within a week of each other! Both events were absolutely wonderful and amazing! I've had these recipes on my list of things to share forever and I'm finally able to share! I'm a preschool teacher...I'm all about sharing...

Baked Chicken Parmesan

4 chicken breast halves, sliced in half (horizontally)
3/4 cup seasoned breadcrumbs
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 Tbsp butter, melted
3/4 cup mozzarella cheese
1 cup marinara sauce
Cooking spray

1. Preheat oven to 450. Spray large baking sheet lightly with cooking spray.
2. Combine breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese. Melt butter and lightly brush onto chicken. Dip chicken into breadcrumb mixture and place on baking sheet. Repeat with remaining chicken.
3. Lightly spray a little more cooking spray on top of chicken and bake for 20 minutes. Turn chicken over and bake for 5 more minutes. Remove from oven, spoon sauce over chicken and top with shredded Mozzarella. Bake 5 more minutes or until cheese is melted.

Incredibly good and incredibly easy! Why didn't I think of this before??


Ground Beef Enchiladas

1 Tbsp canola oil
1 Tbsp flour
1 (28 oz) can enchilada sauce
2 cups chicken broth
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
2 Tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped (I omitted)

1 1/2 pounds ground beef
1 medium onion, chopped
2 (4 oz) cans chopped green chilies
1/2 tsp salt
12-14 white corn tortillas
3 cups cheddar cheese, grated
1/2 cup black olives, chopped (I omitted)
1 cup green onions, chopped
1/2 cup cilantro, chopped (I omitted)

1. Heat large, deep skillet over medium high heat. Pour in oil, followed by flour, whisk together.
2. Pour in enchilada sauce, chicken broth, cilantro, salt, and pepper. Whisk together to combine.
3. Bring to a boil, then reduce and let simmer for 20 minutes.
4. Heat separate skillet and add ground beef, onion, and salt. Brown the meat over medium high heat, stirring occasionally.
5. When meat is done and onions and transparent, (drain excess fat if necessary), remove from heat and add green chilies.
6. Chop green onions, olives, and cilantro.
7. Spray a 9x13 pan with cooking spray and pour 3/4 cup of sauce in bottom.
8. Heat up large griddle, spray with cooking spray, and cook tortillas until each side is crisp and golden, about 2 minutes per side. This will make it easier to fill them and less likely to crack.
 **I didn't want to have to clean another thing so I just stuck my tortillas in our toaster oven for a while to get them cooked a bit on both sides. But it really does help with the whole  tearing thing that corn tortillas always insist on doing**
9. Take tortillas one at a time and dip them in the red sauce mix, making sure to coat each side. Lay tortilla on a cookie sheet (or a plate like I used) and cover it with meat, green onions, olives, cilantro and cheese.
10. Roll tortillas up and place seam down in the 9x13 pan. Pour remaining sauce over all enchiladas and sprinkle with cheese. You can also top with any remaining onions or olives.
11. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until bubbly.

It looks like a lot of steps but it's really not! And totally worth it!


So I wanted to make James a cake for his graduation/commissioning celebration and wanted a challenge. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Duncan Hines, Pillsbury, and my good friend Betty C. but I wanted to see if I could make a yellow cake completely from scratch. (Didn't forsee staying up til all ends of the night the night before on a total frosting high the night before the big day but it's whatev..) This one was really  not hard at all and came out super fluffy and light. I made the cake ahead of time and froze it until I was ready to frost it a few days later and it was a little more crumbly by the time we ate it. But that first night straight out of the oven...oooh mama was it fluffy! And the fresh and so chocolatey. Is the overly obese kid trapped inside of me coming out? I try to reign her in but it's impossible!

Homemade Yellow Cake with Chocolate Frosting
Frosting from: my Grandma Mary Jane

4 cups plus 2 Tbsp cake flour (not self-rising)
2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 sticks unsalted butter, softened
2 cups sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
4 large eggs, room temperature
2 cups buttermilk, well-shaken

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter and flour (or just spray with cooking spray) cake pans (either two 
9-inch round pans or one 9x13 rectangular pan).
2. Sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a medium bowl.
3. In a large mixing bowl, beat together butter and sugar at medium speed until light and fluffy, then beat in vanilla. Add eggs one at a time, beating well and scraping down the bowl after each addition. At low speed, beat in buttermilk until just combined (the mixture will look curdled).
4. Add flour mixture to wet mix in three batches, mixing until each addition is just incorporated.
5. Spread batter evenly in cake pan, then rap on counter several times to eliminate air bubbles. Bake for 35-40 minutes until golden and toothpick test comes out clean.
6. Cool in pan on rack for 10 minutes, then run a knife around the edge of the pan. Invert onto rack and cool completely, about 1 hour.

1 pound powdered sugar, sifted
1/2 cup evaporated skim milk
2 tsp vanilla
dash of salt
4 unsweetened baking chocolate squares
1 stick butter

1. Cream together powdered sugar, milk, vanilla and salt.
2. Melt butter and chocolate in top of double broiler; blend into creamed mixture.
3. Frost cooled cake.

Seriously, I could not stop myself from licking the bowl after every spread on the cake. I'm pretty sure I'd make this even with a boxed cake mix. And my self control? Head butted out the window by that inner overly obese child I was telling you about earlier. Too bad we're BFF. 

Happy eating sweet friends!