Friday, October 19, 2012


This week, with all my time off, we decided to do a little redecorating of our bedroom. Our room started off with pristine all-white bedding...bedding we knew we would have to change once we had kids since it would no longer be white. Well, turns out little kitties have the same effect. So the re-do ensued. We ended up getting a new, bigger mattress (I am in love with this mattress and literally look forward to going to bed the second my feet hit the floor in the morning) so the new bedding was a must. Fortunately Pottery Barn was having a sale and I found bedding not only for cheap but also with a pattern to camouflage any ensuing stains or dirt! From there we decided to re-vamp the room with a new color scheme - but on a budget! Luckily all of the pillows I had previously worked even better with this new color scheme so all we needed was: a gallon of paint, new lamps ($24. 99 at TJ Maxx!), new curtains, and this nifty DIY headboard I saw online. Headboards are so expensive and the one we had previously was leftover from college, was not even the right size for our smaller bed, and had been leaning against the wall for the past year not even screwed in to anything. So we decided to go this route and I am so happy with the results! It was a very easy first DIY project together...

For this project all you need are four 1x6 boards, some sandpaper to sand the boards, a can of stain, a can of varnish (we already had some), and large 3M command velcro strips to hang the drilling, hammering, or other verbs you would do with tools needed!

Have Home Depot or Lowe's (or wherever you buy the boards) cut the wood to the right length. Prep the wood by lightly sanding before applying the stain. Let dry completely before applying a coat of clear varnish. Allow the varnish to dry overnight before applying a second coat. Place the velcro strips on the back of the boards and on the wall, leaving however much space you would like between each board (we hung them an inch apart). After we hung our new, cheap headboard, allowed ourselves a couple moments to bask in the pride that DIY projects bring about, and settled down for the first night of sleep in our new room, we soon heard a "clunk". It was a "clunk" that said so much. Apparently, one of the velcro strips did not adhere to the back of the board. Luckily with my tendency for slight paranoia over weird, random things (thanks for that one genetics *cough*mother*cough*), I placed the pillow sham under the headboard and my own pillow about a foot or two away from boards just in case one should slip. We took off all of the boards and the next day reinforced all of the velcro strips on the boards with super glue. I am proud to say they are still on the wall, holding like a champ! No pillow barrier needed now!

Not too bad for a couple days' work and a budget! I think the kitty approves...

Catch Up

Matthew 11:28-29 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart , and you will find rest for your souls." We serve an amazing God who knows our human limitations and weakness. Not only does He shower us with blessings daily, but He freely offers the gift of rest. His yoke is gentle, His Word is true, and His grace is never-ending. Trust in Him, learn from Him, and He will bless you with peace and rest.

Speaking of rest, this week my school blessed us with a fall break...a whole week off! It has been a time for me to catch up...on cooking, on home projects, and on school...although only a tiny bit of my break has been spent on that last one :) Here's what we have been up to in the world of first grade! It is busier than ever but we have been able to do a lot of fun activities with our science unit over frogs and toads!

Life cycle wheel!

Frog and toad comparisons....lots of pieces to cut out but turned out so cute and so worth it!

Hallway display...all of first grade's frogs and toads!
Food chains! Hanging all over the classroom now :)

We've also been hard at work on adjectives, whipping up some tasty, delicious, yummy, wonderful adjective pizzas....

The kids also made these precious adjective accordion people....only this time they made it for their partner, writing words that describe their friend on each section. Some of the adjectives they brainstormed were just precious. One of my sweet boys raised his hand to ask how you spell "beautiful" for his partner. Of course giggles and gasps ensued, which I quickly put to rest. He also asked how to spell "awesome"....leaving his little partner beaming :)

In math we've been working on doubles and near doubles, which can be a little tricky for some. To help with the concept we made a "Doubles Neighborhood", with near doubles as the next door neighbors. I loved to see their creativity when designing their "neighborhoods". One of my boys drew a giant brown circle and said that was the hole where the tree was going to go...of course you would have to make a space to plant it first! A couple were in the Halloween spirit and decorated their houses with pumpkins. I even had one decide to go with a Christmas theme...apparently they are in cahoots with Hobby Lobby with the whole early Christmas season thing...

As far as food is concerned, my fall break actually let me cook real meals! I found a couple awesome things on Pinterest that I have been dying to try out. Both were winners!

Healthy Mexican Sweet Potato Skins

3 medium sweet potatoes
1 can corn, rinsed and patted dry
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 Tbsp. butter
1/2 yellow onion, chopped
2-4 canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, minced or pureed
(I used time I think I would use 2. It was pretty hot but in a delicious, smoky hot way....that sounds a little wrong...)
1 ounce light cream cheese
1/4 cup light sour cream
1 teaspoon salt (+ more to taste)
1/2 cup cilantro (roughly chopped) - I omitted
6 Tbsp. shredded cheese (who am I kidding...I definitely did not measure, just topped them with a lovely mound of cheese)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake the sweet potatoes for 45-60 minutes.
2. While the potatoes are baking, place the corn in a heavy cast-iron skillet with no butter or oil over medium-high heat. (I just used a regular skillet). Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Do not stir! Let it sit and roast for several minutes before stirring. Let it roast a few more minutes before stirring again. Continue this for about ten minutes until corn is brown and roasted on the outside.
Set aside in a small bowl with the black beans.
3. Saute the onion in butter over medium heat until soft and translucent. Set aside.
4. Remove the potatoes from the oven when fork-tender. Let cool 5-10 minutes. Cut the sweet potatoes in half and scrape the flesh out, leaving the skins intact. 
5. Mix the sweet potato flesh with the cream cheese, sour cream, chipotle peppers and salt. You can use a mixer or a spoon, depending on how soft they are. Mix well then add the black beans, corn, sauteed onions, and cilantro (if using). 
6. Scoop the filling into the skins and top each with 1 tablespoon (or more!) of cheese. Broil for 5 minutes or until cheese is melted.

Do not be deterred by the number of steps! These babies are SO worth the effort...and it's really not that much work! I would eat them every night if I could!

Skillet Lasagna

1 1/2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
1 cup mushrooms, chopped (I left out...not a fan of the fungus)
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 (14.5 oz) can diced Italian roasted tomatoes, drained 
*The recipe called for 2, I just used 1 because I don't care for a lot of chunks of tomatoes
1/4 cup tomato sauce 
*I used the whole can of tomato sauce 
3 basil leaves, chopped 
*I used a generous pinch of dried basil
1/4 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. salt
1/2 cup skim ricotta cheese
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
3 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese
About 6 ounces lasagna noodles, broken into thirds and fully cooked (I used whole wheat noodles)
2 Tbsp. dried parsley (dried or fresh)

1. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add onions and cook until softened, about 4 minutes. Add garlic and mushrooms and cook until garlic is fragrant, about 1 minute. Add diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, basil, salt, and pepper. Cook mixture until it thickens up, about 5 minutes.
2. Add noodles to skillet and stir into the mixture well. Add scoops of ricotta cheese over the noodles; add in mozzarella and Parmesan. Stir in parsley and cook for 2 more minutes, or until mixture is thick.
3. Serve immediately!

Sorry for the lack of picture but believe me when I's good!